It was not fun. I did not enjoy it.
But I did it. And my friend is still alive this morning... And, for that, I am happy.
This is not the first time in 40 years I've done this... and that is a sad, sad thing.
The friend in question was not one of my former Army mates. She is someone I've known since kindergarten who has been sexually abused by a family member for most of her life and is now in an emotionally and physically abusive relationship... And nothing I can say will make her feel like the good person we all know her to be. The abusive assholes in her life have her believing THEIR bullshit.
It's times like this I wish we had a Purge Night... well, sort of. Not really... I mean, I'm not advocating violence... but I sure as shit would love to beat the ever loving shit out of her family member and dickhole of a so-called boyfriend... but, alas, that is not an option.
All I want to do is lift my friend up where she needs to be so she can take the time needed to look after her own happiness and not rely on the assholes she's known.
Why do people have to be assholes like that? Why must people degrade and humiliate others into thinking they're somehow LESS?? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?
Look - if you're reading this and you know someone in a relationship that is toxic - talk to them. Don't wait until you see a last-ditch call for help on Facebook before reaching out. I've not been in close touch with my friend in a few years. I've moved away... but when I saw her reach out, then delete the post - I called her. And we talked.
Talk to someone if they need it. Be a friend. Take the time out of your day to make sure your friends, family and loved ones make it to tomorrow. It can get better. It will get better. But only if we all remember that we're in this together...
Now, here's a cat photo to help you through your day:
I thought about using one of those hairless cat photos - but they look like ballsacks. So... no.