Read This Before Going On...

Showing posts with label STFU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STFU. Show all posts

28 May, 2019

Dr. Bourbon and the League of ANNOYING-ASS PEOPLE!

Today in Bad Advice with Dr. Bourbon our question comes from Twitter user, @HeartOfAutumn

She asks:

Dear Doctor Bourbon,

How do you deal with annoying people? Which, to be honest is a vast majority...

17 October, 2018

There are many anxieties... but this one is mine.

Stress, anxiety... whatever the fuck you want to call it - SUCKS.

I have catastrophobia... which I'm not even sure is a real word. But it is pretty bad at times. I can't say exactly when it started, but I do know it has gotten progressively worse as I've aged.

This isn't the "Oh, I think the world will end" type of fear - well, not always at any rate... This is the fear that if I go, relax, let my guard down, and do something - the worst case scenario will occur. No matter what it is... ESPECIALLY if that thing is something for my own enjoyment or personal well-being. How fucked is that?

31 August, 2018

Holy shit, just shut up already...

If there is one thing I hate - it's people who just keep talking and talking when the conversation is clearly over, or worse yet, never even started. Seriously. SHUT THE FUCK UP in the morning.

I have two co-workers in particular who believe that "Good morning" is the gateway drug to "Please tell me about whatever inane shit you did last night or your sump-pump that's been broken for six months... I literally do not care.

At all.

Mornings are for coffee and contemplation as the saying goes and your blathering on about whatever reality show you watched last night is causing a buildup of some SERIOUS rage in my system.

Even on good mornings - like this one - where I've had coffee, taken the kids to school, and returned home to spend some quality time sans pants with my wife, I just don't have the patience or mental fortitude to deal with people until 11:00am at the earliest.

So, I sit here, gritting my teeth and typing on my keyboard HOPING you will get the hint that I am, in fact, not paying the slightest bit of attention to you - but NOOOOooooo. You just keep running that hole in your face.

I'm amazed there isn't more workplace violence in the world. I guess that speaks volumes about humankind's ability to endure the trials and tribulations of society - more or less.

So - there is my rant for now. Day started out awesome and now, it's 10:00 and all I want to do is scream at people for harshing my calm.

It's my first day