The Call Of Nature
A @BourbonSex Erotic Short Story

"You're not human." Emily said smugly. "Mosquitos, as far as I know, want nothing to do with you."
"Yes, well. There is that." He moved a few branches and ushered her through. "Ta da." He announced with a smile.
"Oh." Emily said with a start. "Oh, this is quite lovely."
"Yeah. I thought you might say that."
He moved ahead into the clearing. It was about 50 meters of open, grassy area surrounded by trees on all sides. A small, hollowed out ring of stones sat the in the center of it all with a large stack of neatly cut wood nearby.
"This is where I go when I want to get away from everything." Josh said, dropping his bag on the ground. "Let's get set up and I'll show you what it means to 'be in the field'."
"Uh, sure."