A @BourbonSex Erotic Fiction - Krampusnacht
It was 7:32 pm on the evening of December 5th and Linda sat in the corner watching the merriment. It was her company and, therefore, her party. But she hated Christmas parties. She was there because she had to be and not because she wanted to be. She wore an elegant black dress with a simple teardrop diamond necklace that drew attention down her lean neck, past her collarbones and into her ample cleavage for all the good it would do her. You just can't fuck the help.
She was not having a good time.
The wine was not giving her the blissful lowered inhibitions she’d been wanting. Instead, she sat quietly watching her workers go about their time at the holiday party. She watched Mark from sales flirt with Carol from the call center. Stacy from the reception desk was trying desperately to win the attention of Tim from accounting, but Tim seemed intent on flirting with John from IT.

“If her top gets any more open…” Linda said to herself as she watched.
"Huh?" Deborah, Linda's personal assistant asked.
"Stacy." Linda said. "She's throwing herself at Tim. Tim's gay. Tim wants to fuck John in IT." She shook her head. "I swear they're all fucking morons, Deborah."
"Yes, ma'am." Deborah snapped. "Morons."
"What about you, Deborah? Who do you want to fuck?"
"Oh, come on. It's the holiday party, everyone is happy and drinking. There's got to be someone you'd like to fuck."
"I am happily married." Deborah said sheepishly.
"Good answer, Deb! I was happily married too." Linda snapped. "But Stan decided my sexual proclivities were just too much for him." She sighed. "In three weeks, it will be a year since the last time I've gotten laid." She threw back the rest of her wine. "I fucking hate Christmas." She poured a small glass and downed it. "And if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, right?"
"Uh... right?" Deborah agreed weakly. She knew what this meant and she decided to go ahead and ask the question. "Why, if I may ask, do you want to ruin the Christmas party? I mean, it is your company and all..." Deborah's voice grew weaker as she spoke and was barely above a whisper as she trailed off.
"Bah fucking humbug." Linda said. "That's why."
This was the Christmas party and Linda fucking hated it. She hated the forced “go team” attitudes and the “Merry Christmas” bullshit. Today was three weeks shy of being one calendar year since the last time Linda had gotten laid by something that didn't require batteries. And she'd come to resent Christmas as a result. And she'd be damned if she let everyone under her get their fuck on if she was stuck with "Big Blue" and a chardonnay. She'd be their Grinch and steal their holiday cheer right out from under them. It felt good to be bad.
What she really wanted to do was grab Aaron from sales, take him into her office, tie him to her desk, and have her way with him. He was young, handsome, and she just wanted to eat him. No, seriously, she wanted to sink her teeth into his flesh and consume him wholly so she didn’t have to share. He was fucking hot and she wanted him. She wanted to climb on top of him and ride him until she dripped down his body and her cunt ached from the hours of unbridled, passionate fucking she could give him. Oh yes, she wanted to do some very naughty things to him. But she couldn’t bring herself to say or do anything about it being the CEO and all of that bullshit.
The thoughts of fucking young Aaron’s brains out caused Linda’s insides to warm and the familiar feeling of lust gave her a start. She was getting herself turned on and that wouldn’t fucking do.
No amount of masturbating at home in the tub would erase the thoughts of Aaron from her mind. Everyday she saw him was another day she walked around wet in the office. Why couldn’t he just notice her? Hit on her? Come in her office and throw himself at her?
Sure, she was older by a good ten years... fifteen... Fine, twenty. But so what? She was still attractive. Still have an excellent set of tits… and she could fuck his brains out in ways he’d never imagined. But no. She’s the CEO. She’s not allowed to do that.
Instead, she sat quietly drinking her wine and plotting ways to sabotage the ill-planned trysts springing forth all about her. Just like that, she was up and moving. She was on a mission and all of the asshole worker bees could go fuck themselves. She stepped up to the table, grabbed a small cracker and smiled at Mark.

“How’s Lori and the kids?” She asked.
“Uh. They. I…” His eyes darted to Carol and then back to Linda. “They’re fine.”
Boom. One down.
She made her way to Stacy. She wasn’t sure why she felt this compulsion, this drive to ruin everyone’s good time… she imagined that it was most likely due to the fact they’re all a bunch of fucking idiots and she wanted to get laid. And none of them were worthy of the effort, except Aaron. And Aaron was too young and stupid to figure it out on his own. He was barely out of college after all.
“Hello, Stacy.” Linda said in a very pleasant tone. “How are you?”
“Hi, Linda!” The young blond’s boobs bounced with every syllable. “I’m great. How are you?” Bounce. Bounce.
Linda groaned internally.
“I’m quite well.” She sipped at her wine. “Say, can I let you in on a little secret.” She put her arm around Stacy and brought her in close. “If you want to seal the deal with Tim,” she whispered confidentially and then glanced at John. “You might have to try some team sports.”
“Huh?” Stacy said with no comprehension in her eyes.
“A three-way.” Linda said. She put her hands on Stacy’s cheek and directed her gaze to Tim’s face and then traced the line to John’s cock - at which Tim was staring and almost salivating.
“Oh god.” Stacy started but Linda put a finger to her mouth.
“I was just trying to help.” She said before she sauntered off to watch.

From her perch in the corner, she watched Mark’s frown as he opted to leave early. His plans of a broom-closet romp with Carol squashed with the simple reminder that he was, in fact, married with two adorable little Marks at home. She turned her attention back to Stacy. Linda watched in glee as the young woman wrestled with the idea of the threesome in her mind. She clearly wanted Tim, who clearly wanted John… And another 45 minutes of drinking wine and peppermint schnapps found the Tim and John walking conspicuously towards the mail room. Linda laughed to herself. Stacy was still sitting at the table, drinking alone, looking miserable.
“I’m such a bitch.” Linda mused.
She looked at her watch and saw that it was 9:45 pm. In another 15 minutes she could excuse herself and go home. She drank more wine and sat there making small talk with the people who stopped by to see her. Each person’s miniature conversation was an exercise in banality.
"Yes, it is cold."
"No, I don't like Christmas."
"Please, kindly fuck off!"
She did not care in the slightest that she was ruining the night for people. All she wanted was to get laid. No, not laid. She wanted to get fucked. Proper fucked. And nobody here was going to fucking do it to her so they could all eat a dick… especially Tim and John who were, in fact, probably doing just that. She popped open the mail room door and Tim was on his knees, furiously working John's shaft. Linda had to admit, the man had good technique. She let him continue for a moment longer before she flipped on the light. Tim stopped his two-handed twist-and-stroke and looked Linda in the eye. His hands fell away and John turned, but the ignition sequence had already been started and there was no calling off this launch... John shuddered all over as he blew his festive load all over the packing tape.
"When they said 'make the yuletide gay', I don't think this was what they had in mind." Linda said with a smirk.
"Oh, god. Linda. I am so sorry."
"Look," she said. "I'm not opposed to this in any way. I think two dudes is hot as fuck." The two smiled, but she continued. "BUT." They stopped smiling. "In the mail room? Really?" She sighed. "We ship things to people all over the world. The last thing they need is a priority letter covered in your semen."
"Um... I... Yes, ma'am." Tim said. She glanced at John. He, to her shock, had stood stock-still this entire time. He looked like a partially nude mannequin with a limp cock. She smirked. "Get this stuff cleaned up." She left them to their mess.
At 10:00 pm she dropped her plastic cup of wine in the trash and moved to collect her coat from her office. If traffic wasn’t too bad she could be home, bathed, and delightfully self-pleasured by 11:00 pm. As she exited her office she saw the two men returning from the mail room. Tim and John looked happy and pleased with one another. Stacy did not. Linda figured this was a good lesson for the young woman and she clicked off the lights in her office and made her way to the elevator. As she passed the Santa she'd hired to come to the party he looked at her. His gaze was sad. 'Why the fuck am I paying this asshole to look sad?' She thought. But then she looked at his real beard, fantastic suit, and merry little face and sighed. Because he looked the damn part.
"Be weary." The Santa said with a whisper. "For tonight is Krampusnacht."
"Krampus?" Linda scoffed as she slapped the elevator button. "If he thinks he can throw me in a bag and spank me into submission, he's got another fucking thing coming." With that, the doors closed and she watched the Santa shake his head until the doors obscured her view of him. She gave him the finger when the doors had shut.
At 10:45 pm Linda was in the bathtub. She had one leg on the side of the tub and her right hand massaged her clit while her left hand forced "Big Blue" in and out of herself. She groaned, swore, arched her back, and finished. She remained in the tub a moment longer to come down from the orgasm before climbing out. She looked herself over in the mirror. She looked old. She looked like a tired, worn out version of herself and she hated it. She knew that she'd let herself go since Asshole left her a year ago.
"Fuck him." She said. "And fuck Christmas."
At 11:00 pm, Linda was in her silk robe, drinking wine on her sofa and watching the television with a small fire going in the fireplace. She was relaxed from the warmth of the fire… and the furious masturbatory session in her tub a few minutes earlier. But it just wasn’t the same. She felt that masturbation was like scratching your own back… it never feels the same as when someone else does it. No amount of attachments, dildos, and plugs could make up for the simple presence of someone between your legs, pumping and filling you with their fingers, tongue, or cock. Oh, what she wouldn’t give to be blissfully ravaged right now. Pressed up against the wall and just fucked like she was a rental.
She sighed as she poured another glass and downed it. And another. At 11:28 pm her eyes closed and she fell asleep on the sofa in the warmth of the fire.

It was dark and her breath showed when she exhaled.
“Fucking power outage.” She said.
She stood from the couch and draped a blanket over her shoulders. Her nipples were like cut glass behind the thin, silk robe in this cold air and she liked how it felt as she walked to her purse to grab her phone. She stopped mid-reach as she heard something. Her head cocked to one side and she swore she could hear.... sleigh bells? Then she heard the stomping. The sound of heavy footfalls above her.
“I’m too old and too tired for bullshit Santa games.” Linda mused. "Gonna call the cops on someone's dumb ass."
Then something happened that froze Linda to her core.
A crack started in the ceiling. Right in the center of her fireplace.
“Well son of a bi…”
The crack shot down the wall in jagged twists and turns and the mantle above her fireplace split in two like a toothpick. Linda backed up without thinking and only stopped when she ran into the bar that separated her living room from the kitchen. She heard the bells again, but startled herself when she realized they weren’t bells. They were chains. And one such chain was slowly lowering out of the chimney into the firebox. It hung there and wavered in the air slightly as a dark shape appeared next to it. A foot? She couldn’t be sure, but it landed on the concrete with a thud and the whole house shook. It was then that Linda noticed the cloven hoof.
The chimney, already cracked explodes and dust fills Linda’s house. The noise caused her to wince and she looked on with her mouth agape as the large figure stepped through the dust and debris. Working her eyes up from the ground she took him in. Large, black hooves that stuck out from a black, sooty robe with a soft, gray trim around the edges. Thick, black chains hung from his robe clinking together as they swung back and forth. Long, bony fingers cracked and undulated in the dark recesses of the sleeves. She looked up to see coal black eyes on a white face peering at her from under the black hood. A long, forked tongue slithered out of a mouth framed by a twisted goatee. Through the top of the hood she saw two long, curved, black horns that stood above the menacing figure.
She felt the word on the tip of her tongue - "Krampus."
The stories she remembered from her youth was that he would steal bad children, beat them with sticks, and he'd take the presents for himself. 'Selfish asshole.' She thought.
Linda was frozen in his presence. All she could do was watch as the beast lumbered towards her, his tongue lashed from side to side, and the chains rattled. Each step made the floor shake and she felt the steps reverberate through her body. As he neared, light fell across his face. She expected a hideous, wide-mouthed grin with jagged teeth, but she was wrong. He was handsome. Yes, he had giant fucking horns sticking out of the top of his head and goat's feet... but, fuck, he had a smile that could melt butter.
Then, she heard him speak.
Not with her ears, exactly. She could feel his words in her mind. It was a dark, smooth voice that filled her head with words and images. Not just words, but emotions, and feelings. She didn't just hear words, she felt the meanings of them.
“Naughty.” Came one word and her head filled with images of what the word meant.
“Punish.” Came another word and she saw spanking, prison cells, a dunce cap, a whip... the whip caught her attention. Suddenly she saw images of being spanked, paddled, and whipped with her pants down. Apparently the images worked both ways and suddenly another word thrust into her mind.
The word came through as almost an afterthought and Linda shuddered at this slightly. The word and the psychological onslaught of the giant, lumbering beast of a man brought forth unbidden images in her mind. The Christmas party at work. The look of sadness on Stacy’s face as she watched the men leave the mail room. Then came an image of Aaron. Thoughts of her riding him. Thoughts of his face buried between her thighs.
“No.” The demon’s words sounded in her head. “Punish.” And it’s tongue made small movements in the air.

This shook her momentarily and she thought about running, but found herself against the bar. The demon was on her in an instance, pressing her against the bar’s edge and she felt helpless. Then the words ran through her mind again.
“Naughty” and “lust” were the only two words though. She looked at his long tongue and she didn’t feel afraid or helpless anymore. She felt turned on.
She felt horny. Hornier than she’d been all year. And this thing, this demon was in her house trying to be imposing and scary, but all she could think about was the tongue and how much she wanted that on her cunt.
She stood in her thin, silk robe and he pressed her against the bar. She felt him through the fabric and more images ran through her mind. She suddenly no longer felt the cold. She was downright warm. Her insides were warming and she could feel the blood course through her veins and settle between her legs.
As he pressed against her, trying his best to frighten her, she began to rub her ass up and down on his large, and getting larger by the second, cock. This is exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted this demon to fuck her. She looked over her shoulder at the menacing horns and the black within black eyes. And she thought of sex. Of thrusting and licking. She thought of cum on her tits, saliva, and she felt her cheeks go red with excitement as she watched the long, pointed tongue dart in and out of his perfect mouth. The demon took a step back.
More images and words filled her mind. Confusion, consternation, and a host of other thoughts. The demon stepped back again. She turned to face him as more images flashed in her brain. She saw children being bad and being punished. She saw the demon moving ahead of St. Nicholas, clearing the way for him. She saw confusion again. She knew then that he had come to punish her like a spoiled child for ruining the Christmas party. She knew, somehow, that he was there to make her pay for what she’d done to Stacy and Mark. The demon howled and the room shook.
“No. Fuck that!” She said and reached up and grabbed his long, curved horns. “I’m not the one who needs punished.” She said. “I should be rewarded for saving Mark’s marriage.” She sneered and the demon stepped back in shock. “I should be rewarded for saving Stacy some time and wasted effort trying to snag a man who wants another man's dick and not her giant fucking rack.” The demon stepped back again and she poked him in the chest. “I should be fucking rewarded for being this goddamn beautiful and sexy.” She dropped the robe to the floor and she stood, naked in his presence. "I'm the goddamn CEO of my company and I'll be damned if you're going to treat me like I'm some insolent child who needs to be taught a lesson." She huffed and the demon's head tilted and regarded her. "I'm not going to get spanked because I ruined some affairs tonight. I'm not going to allow this to happen." She pulled his horns and looked him in the eye. "I want a reward and you're going to give it to me." Her words were final.
The cold air caused her nipples to stand out in the darkness and the demon stood and regarded her. Her mind caught glimpses of images. A long tongue on wet, pink flesh. Nipples pinched by fingers. Her hands reached up and grabbed the demon by the horns. She pulled him down and he resisted only a little. His chains rattled as he followed her to the ground. She held onto the horns and guided his head lower on her body. She felt the long, warm tongue encircle her left breast, then her right one and she gasped only a little as it trailed a long, warm path down to her cunt.
“Eat it.” She commanded. And she forced his face into her waiting, open lips.
His tongue wasted no time in fully exploring here. In, out, and around her dripping, wet cunt. In her mind flashed images of pure rapture and bliss and it only aided in her arousal. Long, bony fingers moved up her body and rubbed at her nipples and she bit her lip in the ecstasy of it. He moved in and out with his tongue and the long, forked end played joyously with her clit.
“That’s it.” She whispered. “Right there.”
The demon obeyed and soon Linda was arching her back and pulling his face into her more. She was having such an intense orgasm she lost control of herself and it felt like she was trying to eat his face off with her cunt. When she finally stopped, she released him and she collapsed to the floor. A pool of her own juices soaked into the plush carpet and her body tingled from it. She watched as the demon rose and turned towards the chimney, his work here apparently done or abandoned.
“Where the fuck are you going?” Linda asked. More images of confusion and shock attacked her mind. “We’re not done here.” She nodded at the bulge in his robe and she rolled onto her stomach and got on her hands and knees. She looked back at him, over her shoulders. “Well?” She said impatiently. She turned her head away from him and waited.
After a moment's hesitation, the demon’s robes collapsed on the floor in a heap, the chains clanked into a pile, and she felt the large figure loom behind her. She dripped with anticipation as a bony finger ran up the slit between her legs. He was testing her. Probing her. She leaned forward, presenting herself to him and she rocked back into his finger as if to say “hurry the fuck up.” The room shook as the huge demon got to the floor. It put its long fingers on her shoulders and pulled her back to him.
Linda gasped as he entered her. She wasn't ready for his size. He filled her in a way she’d only dreamt of. It was so thick and long… and her body shivered with every movement and thrust. At first it was uncomfortable. It was too big and she didn't think she could handle it. But after a moment, she relaxed and it felt good. It felt better than good - it was fucking amazing. She rammed herself onto him again and again and she squealed in delight at it.
"Fuck yes!"
Her left hand reached back and she rubbed furiously at her clit as the demon thrust again and again. The demon’s hands moved from her shoulders, running long, thin trenches down her back and the pain was exquisite. She moaned, and gasped for over twenty minutes she let herself be fucked by this thing. She was covered in a sheen of sweat and her breathing was fast and shallow as she felt herself approach her 4th climax.

“Yes!” She said. “Yes. Yes! YES! OH FUCK, YES!” She felt herself give way and her body was racked with spasms as she felt the biggest orgasm of her life. But he kept going. He kept thrusting and she kept telling him to go faster, harder, and… “OH FUCK!” She screamed and she felt the juices squirt forth from her body. She was so wet. She was so spent. She was so fucking turned on she didn’t want it to end.
Images of release. Images of “the end” popped into her mind and the demon pulled out from her and rolled her over. The demon bellowed in the air and she reached out and grabbed his immense cock in her hands and pumped it back and forth. She used Tim's two-handed-twist method while she ran her mouth along the length of him. Before she knew what was happening she felt him shudder and she felt the warmth of his thick, white cum on her face. There was so much of it. She opened her mouth and was rewarded with large, spurting streams of it down her throat. It was warm and tasted of cinnamon… which she found to be very strange at the moment, but she didn’t care. She drank it down greedily.
Linda collapsed onto her back. Her body shook and trembled from the exertion.
“I haven’t been fucked like that since undergrad.” She said to the air. She was exhausted and spent. She didn't have the energy to move. And her eyelids fell closed as she looked upon the beautiful face on the man with black within black eyes.
Her eyes opened at 6:18am and she was warm and pleased. She rose from her bed and looked around. She didn’t remember coming back to bed. She didn’t remember taking a shower or cleaning up. She just remembered being fucked by… a goddamn Christmas demon. She shook her head and marveled at her imagination. That was one hell of a dream.
She got out of bed and took her shower. Her thighs ached… and so did her cunt. For a dream, it sure felt a lot like the day after really great fucking. She wiped the steam off of the mirror and looked at herself. She looked… rested. She looked good. Hell, if anything, she looked better than she had in a few years. She turned and admired herself in the full-length mirror. She looked younger. She looked, well, she looked like someone who was happy. And she also looked like she had eight long, shallow scratches running from her shoulders down to her ass and she gasped.
“Holy shit.”
She said and she ran out to the living room. The chimney was still in one piece. The floor was clean of debris. Everything was at it was supposed to be. Except for the small, hairline crack running from the ceiling down to the mantle.
“Holy shit.”
Along the mantle, a single stocking hung. It was simple, black fabric with gray trim. She approached it cautiously and noticed it hang heavy with something in it. She reached into the stocking and retrieved a small, brass bell. She looked at the etchings all over it and could see the words “Gruss Vom Krampus” on it. As she did she was flooded with images of being fucked on the floor by the large, half-goat/half-demon. And in the back of her throat she tasted cinnamon. She smirked and placed the bell on the mantle.
“Merry fucking Christmas, indeed.” She said. “I guess I just need to assert myself a little more.”
She got dressed for work. A charcoal gray suit with black lines, topped off with a pearl necklace. She smiled. It was a fitting touch. Rather than being punished last night, she was rewarded. She had been rewarded with the gift of reassurance in her ability to have her way. She went to work that day with one thing on her mind - punishment... and reward.
Mark was given a stern talking to about work life, family life, and infidelity.
Stacy was given a raise.
Tim was reminded that interoffice romance was fine, but he should be a little more fastidious in his post sex-act cleaning. She handed him some cleaner and a mop and ordered him to the mail room.
Then, she saw Aaron going about his day and she beckoned him into her office.
“Shut the door.” She said. “I'd like you to do something for me..."
That was a very spicy story. You have a real talent for writing naughty.
ReplyDeleteI'll check back for more in the future :)
Thank you, Sandra! I am glad you liked it and thank you for commenting!
DeletePlease come back whenever you'd like!
Really quite well written.
ReplyDeleteGood character. Great development. Nice twist.
Loved It!
This was fantastic writing! Great story, great characters, love the details! Definitely a twist to the Krampus stories I know! :D Well done!