Erotic Fiction Thursdays - One Last Time
Aaron was exhausted. Fifteen hours of backbreaking work today and he could barely stand. His knees ached, his arms ached, and he hoped to be able to sleep tonight, but didn't think that was likely. He entered his home, listening to the groan of the floorboards under his steps. The old farmhouse seemed to protest his presence as he sat at the table and kicked off his boots. Leaning back in the chair, he sighed a weighty sigh full of longing and loss.
It was one year since his wife's death and he thought that working all day would help him come home, collapse with sleep, and not dwell on her absence in his life. Now he was sad, tired, and he could barely stand. Life sucked for Aaron. The old house was too big for him without Betsy there with him, but he couldn't bring himself to sell it or move. This house felt like her and when he was within its walls, he felt her presence.
He'd already unplugged the phone from the wall and turned his cell over to the "do not disturb" feature. The last thing he needed tonight was a phone call from his sister asking how he was doing. She could call tomorrow, once he'd made it through the night. He grabbed a beer and peeled out of his work clothes while he waited for the shower to warm. Then he soaked his aching muscled in the downpour. He stood as the waters rinsed away the day's sweat and grime and felt some of the tension in his body ease away... but he could feel the ache in his heart grow as snippets of memories came flooding back from the night one year ago. They'd been getting ready to go to The Longneck for the Halloween party with Jerry and Liz. He remembered chasing Betsy around the house as she tried to get dressed in her "sexy devil" costume.
"Stop it." Betsy said. "We have to be ready to leave in thirty minutes."
"That's more than enough time." Aaron smiled.
"For you, that's more than enough time for three times."
"You cut me, Bets. You cut me deep."
"I love you." She kissed him. "Go get your costume on."
"I love you too." Aaron returned to the bedroom and finished the final touches on his costume. Some paint to make him look gaunt, a business suit, and a noose for a necktie.
"Check it out." Aaron said coming down the stairs. "I'm going as 'well hung' - get it?" He made a gesture at his noose-tie and smiled. And that's when he saw Betsy lying on the floor. Dead of an aneurysm.
He shook off the memories and stepped out of the shower. He dried off, got dressed and went downstairs. Opening the liquor cabinet he grabbed a fifth of vodka, poured half of it in a glass with ice, topped it off with some cherry coke, and plopped on the couch. This was Betsy's vodka. It'd been sitting there for a year... and tonight, he was going to drink it. He clicked the remote on the tv and a black and white image of Vincent Price's "House on Haunted Hill" filled the empty room with its flickering light. On the table sat a large bowl of pretzels and M&M's - another of Betsy's favorites. This was her night - and he planned on honoring her memory with the things she loved.

At 11:00 he decided that he was "properly lubricated" for sleep and climbed the stairs. The third and seventh step both creaked as the always do. He left the tv on downstairs... for Betsy. There was still an hour of movies playing. Outside, thunder rolled in the distance and flashes of lightning illuminated the hallway.
Aaron fell asleep faster than he imagined he would and found himself in a dreamless sleep. He snapped awake and almost fell out of bed suddenly when he heard the third step creak. Then the seventh. He started to reach to his nightstand and the gun in the drawer when he felt the bed shift to his left. His mind, still swimming with an entire bottle of vodka, gave into the idea that Betsy was just coming to bed. He put his head on the pillow and thought no more of it. His eyes began to sag again when he felt soft, cool pressure on his hip and fingers caressing his side. He'd missed her touch.
"You're cold." Aaron said. "Were you outside looking for that cat again?"
"No." Came the soft reply. "Just relax." While still a whisper, the voice sounded like it came from a mile away. Aaron didn't care.
Aaron slept like the dead that night. Or, so he felt. Something IN him just felt rested and relaxed.
In the morning, Aaron shot up from his bed and looked around. Nothing. His head pounded with the hangover and he almost cried. He knew it had all been a dream... but it had felt so real. He stood, noticing that he was naked and promptly retrieved his pants from the floor. When he went downstairs, the tv was off. He thought for sure he'd left it on. He picked up his cup from the table and the small empty glass next to it and took them both to the sink. He looked at the little glass and held it up in his hand. It should be full of vodka. Vodka doesn't evaporate in a few hours... The glass fell from his hands. The glass hit the floor and exploded as his mind likewise exploded with the memories from the night before...
He rolled off of his side and onto his back while he felt Betsy's soft hands run slowly over his stomach and chest. He breathed deep in the warm relaxation of the alcohol and the soft cool touch against his skin. In the air he smelled... autumn. He could smell leaves and damn earth. He could smell the hint of her perfume. It all smelled wonderful to him.
The hand gently massaged the muscles in his chest and arms and he felt the tension melt away from him. Both hands soon pushed and pulled every muscle in his body and he felt great. This was the most relaxed he'd been since... he couldn't remember. He felt the hands move lower, down his stomach and rest on his thighs. With some gentle tugging, his boxers slid down his legs and he sighed with content.
He felt a cool touch settle on his cock. He was not currently aroused, but the gentle, caring touches that gently moved him back and forth soon caused his blood to stir and his cock to stiffen. With his eyes closed he smiled and the hands gently, tenderly traced lines up, down, and around his growing erection. He felt himself engorge with blood as his heart beat faster and his smile spread even more. After several minutes of the gentle touching and playing he felt the tongue. It started at the balls and moved slowly up to the head. Then down the side and back up again. He was fully erect and she was teasing him... but he loved being teased. He loved being built up to come. More slow traces with fingertips and tongue and then he felt himself be drawn into her open mouth. Her mouth held him still while the tongue moved inside, further prompting his blood flow. She began slowly working up and down him with her mouth.
Aaron's lips parted in a small gasp as he smiled at the actions. He then felt her hands move up his body as the tongue traced a line up from his navel to his neck and he felt her reposition herself on top of him. She moved just a little and he felt himself slide into her. She bit his neck and sat up, forcing him deep inside her. He moaned softly as he heard her do the same. He was momentarily distracted by the distance in her voice. It was an echo within itself, but he didn't care. His hands found her legs and he traced them up her body to her chest where he gently played with her nipples. She giggled slightly as she continued to rock her hips back and forth on him. She leaned forward and he bit and licked at her nipples. And she raked her nails down his chest.
Slowly her hips moved and Aaron felt her slide back and forth on him. His hands traced her nipples in the darkness and moved down to her hips and ass. He used his arms to help guide her motion as the two both began breathing heavily. She reached down and twisted one of his nipples with an impish laugh and he smiled. He felt her juices running down him as her hips began moving faster and faster. A small moan escaped her as she rose off of him for an instant and then thrust herself down on him again and again. He felt it build inside of him... the orgasm grew until in one, joint moan the two shuddered and came together in one loud, thunderous finish.
Outside the window, the storm raged and the lightning flashed brilliantly through the un-curtained window.
Outside the window, the storm raged and the lightning flashed brilliantly through the un-curtained window.
With his eyes now open, Aaron saw the outline of his wife's face. Her nose and high cheekbones. He saw her toned and muscular shoulders and her defined collarbones as she arched her head back and continued to move back and forth along him. It was then that Aaron finally realized that he could ONLY see her outline. His beautiful wife was a pale mist, straddling his body with an almost electric blue outline. It was the most beautifully frightening thing he'd ever seen and startled at the sight. Betsy's head pulled down to look at him. Her eyes shown eerily white in the empty room.
"Hello my love." The voice echoed.
"Bets?" He stammered. "Bets, what's going on?"
"You called to me... and I came." She smiled. "Well, we both did I think."

"It is." She whispered. "But only on certain nights." She looked around. "Like tonight." Thunder and lightning accentuated her point. "You called to me tonight. You honored me with memories and drink and food." She smiled and traced a finger across his chest. "And I came to you." She leaned down and kissed him. "You never did like Halloween." She shook her head. "This is the night when the dead and living are closest."
"Meaning the veil between our worlds is almost parted. And, in certain cases, we can come visit you."
"Will this happen again?" He grabbed at her, pulling her close to him. "I don't want to lose you again, Betsy."
"I'm sorry, handsome. I can already feel myself slipping away." Lightning flashed again and her form was indeed less present in the room. "I love you." She kissed him. "I've always loved you." She kissed him again. "I will always love you."
"I love you." Aaron said with tears in his eyes. "I'm so lost without you."
"You're the strongest man I've ever known." She smiled at him, her form now more of an impression than an actual shape. "Be happy, my love. Be ha......." The voice and the form disappeared from his view and Aaron sobbed openly in his now empty bed until his body gave out and he slept.
"Oh my god." Aaron whispered to the air. "Betsy was here." He turned, looking in all directions... the tv was off, the pretzels were eaten, the vodka was gone, and... He looked at the dry-erase board on the fridge. This is where he and Betsy always left messages for another. In a shaky hand, the board read:
"Be happy, my love. I will see you next year."
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